Application Form - Holiday Club Management

Hello! Thank you for showing an interest in working as a Holiday Club Deputy/Manager for T W Tutors LTD.

Please complete the form below so that we can get to know you a little more.

We are very excited at the possibility of welcoming you into our Holiday Club family!

T W Tutors LTD is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people. We believe that all children deserve to be in a safe, happy and healthy environment. We expect all staff to share this commitment. T W Tutors LTD has a full safeguarding policy which staff are familiarised with when they are appointed to their new role, as well as annually. For all our company policies, including our Safeguarding Policy, please visit 

Holiday Club Manager
Your Details
Our Terms & Conditions

T W Tutors LTD reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time. Any alterations can be found on our website at No variation or alteration of these terms by the worker shall be valid unless expressly approved in writing by T W Tutors LTD.
A worker will be deemed to have been introduced to the client by T W Tutors LTD in the event that either the name of the worker is provided to the client by T W Tutors LTD following the request for a worker by the client, or T W Tutors LTD arranges for a worker to contact the client following such request for a worker provided by the client to T W Tutors LTD. By beginning work with us, the worker agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1. Payment
Payment is made monthly in arrears on/around the 10th of every month. Invoices must be sent in to [email protected] on/before the 23rd of each month and must match the number of hours worked by the worker for that month.
2. Punctuality
If a worker is late, then this needs to be made clear to Management and correctly noted down in order to be reflected in the next payment. Continuous issues with punctuality can result in no future work being offered.
3. Prohibition of Other Arrangements
The worker will not agree to any alternative fees with the client or school and agrees not to accept any direct payments from the client or school. The worker is not permitted to enter into any private arrangements with any client or school introduced by T W Tutors LTD. The worker undertakes to only accept bookings with the clients introduced by T W Tutors LTD exclusively through T W Tutors LTD. A breach of these terms will render the worker liable to account to T W Tutors LTD for all sums received directly from the client or from a new client without deduction and T W Tutors LTD shall be entitled to seek injunctions against the worker to prevent further breaches. These obligations continue beyond the termination or conclusion of this agreement. Should you wish to recommend one of T W Tutors LTD schools to any other potential or actual workers, that worker must contact T W Tutors LTD to make a booking.
4. Behaviour Policy
Student behaviour - For after school clubs, workers must seek out the school behaviour management policy and apply this at all times, including the rewards and sanctions. For holiday clubs, workers must use their own range of behaviour charts, certificates, stickers, incentives and appropriate sanctions (in line with the school behaviour policy).
Worker behaviour - The worker agrees to treat the student, client and school in a fair and respectable manner at all times. The worker agrees to follow the Staff Behaviour Policy and all other related Staff Handbook documents (including Health and Safety Policy, Equalities Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Logging a Concern and Accident Logs etc.)
5. Illness
If a worker becomes unwell and unable to work, they will inform T W Tutors LTD immediately via phone call at 01634 907 088 so that appropriate cover can be provided or arrangements made.

T W Tutors is committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation.
T W Tutors will respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur. T W Tutor’s child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by the Medway Safeguarding Children Board.
There is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) available at all times while the Club is in session. The DSL coordinates safeguarding and child protection issues and liaises with external agencies (eg Social Care and Ofsted).
The Club’s designated DSL is Terri Wright. The Deputy / on-call DSL is Alexandra Weston.
Child abuse and neglect
Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or by failing to protect them from harm. Some forms of child abuse and neglect are listed below.
·Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child so as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making the child feel that they are worthless, unloved, or inadequate. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
·Physical abuse can involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may be also caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child.
·Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This can involve physical contact, or non-contact activities such as showing children sexual activities or encouraging them to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
·Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs. It can involve a failure to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, to protect a child from physical and emotional harm, to ensure adequate supervision or to allow access to medical treatment.
Signs of child abuse and neglect
Signs of possible abuse and neglect may include:
·significant changes in a child's behaviour
·deterioration in a child’s general well-being
·unexplained bruising or marks
·comments made by a child which give cause for concern
·reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, eg in the child’s home, or that a girl may have been subjected to (or is at risk of) female genital mutilation (FGM), or that the child may have witnessed domestic abuse
·inappropriate behaviour displayed by a member of staff, or any other person. For example, inappropriate sexual comments, excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their role, or inappropriate sharing of images.
If abuse is suspected or disclosed
When a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff will:
·reassure the child that they were not to blame and were right to speak out
·listen to the child but not question them
·give reassurance that the staff member will take action
·record the incident as soon as possible (see Logging an incident below).
If a member of staff witnesses or suspects abuse, they will record the matter straightaway using the Logging a concern form.
If a third party expresses concern that a child is being abused, we will encourage them to contact Social Care directly. If they will not do so, we will explain that the Club is obliged to and the incident will be logged accordingly.
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
FGM is an illegal, extremely harmful practice and a form of child abuse, and is therefore dealt with as part of our existing safeguarding procedures. All of our staff receive training in how to recognise when girls are at risk of FGM, or may have been subjected to it.
If FGM is suspected or disclosed, we will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse.
Peer-on-peer abuse
Children are vulnerable to abuse by their peers. Peer-on-peer abuse is taken seriously by staff and will be subject to the same child protection procedures as other forms of abuse. Staff are aware of the potential uses of information technology for bullying and abusive behaviour between young people.
Staff will not dismiss abusive behaviour as normal between young people. The presence of one or more of the following in relationships between children should always trigger concern about the possibility of peer-on-peer abuse:
·Sexual activity (in primary school-aged children) of any kind, including sexting
·One of the children is significantly more dominant than the other (eg much older)
·One of the children is significantly more vulnerable than the other (eg in terms of disability, confidence, physical strength)
·There has been some use of threats, bribes or coercion to ensure compliance or secrecy.
If peer-on-peer abuse is suspected or disclosed, we will follow the same procedures as set out above for responding to child abuse.
Extremism and radicalisation
All childcare settings have a legal duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into extremism.
There are many reasons why a child might be vulnerable to radicalisation, eg:
·feeling alienated or alone
·seeking a sense of identity or individuality
·suffering from mental health issues such as depression
·desire for adventure or wanting to be part of a larger cause
·associating with others who hold extremist beliefs
Signs of radicalisation
Signs that a child might be at risk of radicalisation include:
·changes in behaviour, for example becoming withdrawn or aggressive
·claiming that terrorist attacks and violence are justified
·viewing violent extremist material online
·possessing or sharing violent extremist material
If a member of staff suspects that a child is at risk of becoming radicalised, they will record any relevant information or
observations on a Logging a concern form, and refer the matter to the DSL.
Logging a concern
All information about the suspected abuse or disclosure, or concern about radicalisation, will be recorded on the Logging a concern form as soon as possible after the event. The record should include:
·date of the disclosure, or the incident, or the observation causing concern
·date and time at which the record was made
·name and date of birth of the child involved
·a factual report of what happened. If recording a disclosure, you must use the child’s own words
·name, signature and job title of the person making the record.
The record will be given to the Club’s DSL who will decide on the appropriate course of action.
For concerns about child abuse, the DSL will contact Social Care. The DSL will follow up all referrals to Social Care in writing within 48 hours. If a member of staff thinks that the incident has not been dealt with properly, they may contact Social Care directly.
For minor concerns regarding radicalisation, the DSL will contact the Medway Safeguarding Children Board or the Local Authority Prevent Co-ordinator. For more serious concerns the DSL will contact the Police on the non-emergency number (101), or the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. For urgent concerns the DSL will contact the Police using 999.
Allegations against staff
If anyone makes an allegation of child abuse against a member of staff:
·The allegation will be recorded on an Incident record form. Any witnesses to the incident should sign and date the entry to confirm it.
·The allegation must be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and to Ofsted. The LADO will advise if other agencies (eg police) should be informed, and the Club will act upon their advice. Any telephone reports to the LADO will be followed up in writing within 48 hours.
·Following advice from the LADO, it may be necessary to suspend the member of staff pending full investigation of the allegation.
·If appropriate, the Club will make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Promoting awareness among staff
The Club promotes awareness of child abuse and the risk of radicalisation through its staff training. The Club ensures that:
·the designated DSL has relevant experience and receives appropriate training in safeguarding and the Prevent Duty, and is aware of the Channel Programme and how to access it
·designated person training is refreshed every three years
·safe recruitment practices are followed for all new staff
·all staff have a copy of this Safeguarding policy, understand its contents and are vigilant to signs of abuse, neglect or radicalisation
·all staff are aware of their statutory duties with regard to the disclosure or discovery of child abuse, and concerns about radicalisation
·all staff receive basic safeguarding training, and safeguarding is a permanent agenda item at all staff meetings
·all staff receive basic training in the Prevent Duty
·staff are familiar with the Safeguarding File which is kept on Google Drive
·the Club’s procedures are in line with the guidance in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children (2020)’ and staff are familiar with ‘What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused (2015)’.

Use of mobile phones and cameras
Photographs will only be taken of children with their parents’ permission. Photographs will only be shared publicly with parents' permission.

Contact numbers - Medway
Social Care: 03000 41 11 11
Social Care out of hours contact: 03000 41 91 91
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer): 01634 331 065/03000 41 08 88
Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children, Medway and North Kent: 01634 335 043
Local Authority Prevent Co-ordinator: Jess Harman, [email protected]
Police: 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency)
Anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Ofsted: 0300 123 1231

Contact numbers - Kent
Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership: 03000 42 11 26, [email protected],
Kent Front Door: 03000 41 11 11, [email protected], out of hours 03000 41 91 91
Front Door team:
Education Safeguarding Service Contact: 03301 651 200
Education Safeguarding Advisor - Online Protection: 03301 651 500
Ashford: 03301 651 340
Canterbury: 03301 651 140
Dartford: 03301 651 240
Dover: 03301 651 340
Folkestone & Hythe: 03301 651 340
Gravesham: 03301 651 240
Maidstone: 03301 651 440
Sevenoaks: 03301 651 240
Swale: 03301 651 140
Tonbridge & Malling: 03301 651 140
Tunbridge Wells: 03301 651 140
Email general enquiries: [email protected]
Additional Contacts
NHS England: Kent and Medway Area Team: 01634 335095
Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Service: 01622 692 121
Kent and Medway Police: 101 and ask to speak to someone in the Child Abuse Investigation Unit
The Probation Service: 03000 47 63 25
Kent, Surrey & Sussex Community Rehabilitation Company: 01622 688858
LADO: 03000 41 08 88
Designated Nurse for Safeguarding: 01634 335 043
(Safeguarding Team Secretary) CXK: 01233 224 244

KSCMP - 03000 41 91 91 (ideally use this number to report concerns and gain safeguarding advice)
KCC Safeguarding team - 03000411111 - info can be found at
For any strategic advice needed in relation to your DSL role within the club or if you have a concern about a child and are unsure as to whether or not you need to make a LADO referral, you can now use the following link (the link below will not get a response until 3-5 days later so is not to be used with urgent request)

For more info and for a flo-chart on where to access support, use the following link:

T W Tutors LTD maintains a strict policy of client confidentiality. This policy relates to all information provided by clients, workers and schools to T W Tutors LTD and all data that T W Tutors LTD holds in relation to use of the site. T W Tutors LTD reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time. Any alterations can be found on our website at
1. Information Collected and Usage
Registration and student details: This includes details such as student name, email address, address, telephone number, child’s name, child’s date of birth and child’s educational background. We also store payment method details in order to take automated payments.
Visitor tracking information: T W Tutors LTD use to track visits on the T W Tutors LTD site. This includes visitor numbers, length of time on the site, visitor location, any third party website visits made before or after T W Tutors LTD site visit. Data may be used without limitation for the following purposes: to improve T W Tutors LTD; to ensure a good service is provided to clients, workers and schools; internal data analysis; to notify clients, workers or schools of any changes to T W Tutors LTD’s service; and to make contact where necessary.
2. Sharing Information with Third Parties and Transfers of Data Outside the UK
T W Tutors LTD can share contact information (phone number, email address etc.) with parents/carers/schools/clients as and when appropriate and needed for the smooth running of a session. T W Tutors LTD keep personal information confidential and it is not passed to any other third parties unless required to do so by law. Personal data may be transferred to countries outside the UK that may not have the same laws to protect data. This may occur for example if computer servers are hosted outside of the UK or if a client enquiry comes from outside the UK.
3. Safe Storage
Reasonable steps are taken to ensure that information is kept safe and T W Tutors LTD endeavour to protect data from unauthorised access. Information will only be kept for a commercially reasonable period of time for the purposes stated above.
4. Access to your data and Third Party Sites
Clients, workers and school staff have the right to request a copy of all personal information that T W Tutors LTD hold about you. For such requests T W Tutors LTD charge an administration fee of £30 and make information available within 28 days. T W Tutors LTD link to a number of other websites and are not responsible in any way for the privacy policies of these sites nor for the way in which they may use the information they collected.

T W Tutors LTD can share contact information with parents/carers/schools/clients as and when appropriate and needed for the smooth running of a session. T W Tutors LTD can share photos and information publicly regarding after school clubs and holiday clubs. This sharing of information will be primarily through T W Tutors LTD website and social media outlets. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use such photos and information in T W Tutors LTD printed and online publicity, social media and advertising.

This policy was adopted by: T W Tutors LTD Date 30.10.24
Review Date: 30.10.25

[email protected]
01634 907 088
21 Cardigan close
high halstow
Company registration number:10783140

T W Tutors LTD's commitment to Safeguarding